
2003 - zand
1997 - dozen
1996 - Tosca


...a group exhibition of 8 young women (my co-students) , just after being graduated, in the hall of the Antwerp's and Ghent's opera house (28th January 1996 - 2nd march 1996).

The idea was to inspire ourselves from Tosca and present our work alongside the representations of the opera.

The artists are: Anninck Tapernoux, Daisy Verheyden,  Chris Van Asbroeck, Linda Martens, Martine Smets, Christelle Deswysen, Sophie Vermeulen and An vandecruys.

You'll find here the extract of the programme of the Vlaams Opera (saison 95-96).

As soon as I get the chance, i'll provide you here the article published in Weekend-Knack at the time.


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